
The Domino Effect


Look at the dominoes in this picture. Now imagine each domino is a person who has been hurt by another (the pieces, one-by-one, knocking into each other). We have a choice to either let the hurt be harvested and continue on by pushing our neighbor down…or we can rise above the hurt and chose to let the vicious cycle end with us.

It’s our choice (and what a difficult choice it is).

Bitter or Better?

Douse of Encouragement 

Douse of Encouragement 

​A “douse” of encouragement for today…

“Have you lost your joy? Paul sensed that the Galations had lost the joy of their salvation because of legalism. Legalism can take away joy because (1) it makes people feel guilty rather than loved; (2) it produces self-hatred rather than humility; (3) it stresses performance over relationship; (4) it points out how far short we fall rather than how far we’ve come because of what Christ did for us. If you feel guilty and inadequate, check your focus. Are you living by faith in Christ or by trying to live up to the demands and expectations of others?” -Endnote for Galatians 4 (Life Application Study Bible, NASB)
Legalism:  strict adherence, or the principle of strict adherence, to law or prescription, especially to the letter rather than the spirit. (Source)
Faith: strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp. without proof or evidence (Source)

At a Glance

At a Glance

As I scroll through Facebook at finger-swiping speed on my iPad, and glance at articles of information flying by, I stop to realize that I have misread a piece of info COMPLETELY wrong. I then, scan my eyes over the short write-up to make sure I am grasping the Facebook post correctly.
Me: “I have noticed that when I quickly scan through a short online post, I am not reading the same words that were originally typed. It’s like they get twisted into something else when I don’t really care to take the time reading.”

God: “Have you not glanced at people in the same way and misread them? Too quick of a look and you judge their character wrong.”

Me: “What should I do?”

God: “Get to know them. Truly read them.”

Me: “Read them?”

God: “How do you read a book that you want to spend time getting to know its story?”

Me: “I study the cover and its summary to find hidden storylines that give hint to what’s inside the book and then I read its contents to verify the cover.”

God: “And you do guess right by what you saw on the cover?”

Me: “…not always. At times, I have been assuming the opposite of what the truth really is but with people…I have been wrong about them on many occasions.”

God: “What’re you going to do about it?”

Me: “Well, I know Someone with x-ray vision Who is willing and able to see through fleshly covers and dive deep into the pages of people’s characters.”



End thought: “Put on your ‘Jesus X-ray glasses’ and see deeper than the cover…the Facebook post…and other social media outlets.”