Left Lane Ends

Left Lane Ends


sign finished

I was driving to work and saw the ever-known orange road construction signs. *sigh* One sign signified that the lane to the left would end, so I stayed on the right. Suddenly, almost all the cars in front of me started going to the LEFT LANE. I began to doubt that I read the sign correctly. After steering my car to the left, I soon came to a halt. You want to guess why? The left lane ended. The sign was right. The people in front of me were wrong…AND I FOLLOWED THEM.

While waiting for a kind driver to let me squeeze back into the CORRECT lane, God decided to bring in a “spiritual lesson” to beat some time.

Spiritual Lesson:

God: “Have I not given you directions on where to go? Have you not doubted my Word and decided to go the way of the crowd?”

Me: “This is some ‘pep-talk’ before work today. Thanks, God.” *sigh* “But, yes. I know You, yet I have gotten swayed by taking my eyes off your guidance and by going by the way of the majority.”

God: “It is easy to sway in the way of the world, but I have overcome the world. You need not look to where the group is going, for their way is a large path where many will enter…go by the narrow path where few are called.”

Me: “Technically, everyone who was in the wrong lane began scrambling to get back towards the correct lane (especially when they realized the end of the road was near).”

God: “Exactly. When the end is near, and they see their errors, they will try to come back…but for some, it will be too late. Keep your eyes upon Me and listen to My direction.”

Me: “What about the cars to the right that stop to let the wrong lane back in?”

God: “They are willing to help those be free of their wrong path. Will you be one of them?”

Me: “What if the person who wants back in was the one that cut me off earlier?”

God: “What about grace? You should be excited that they want to go on the right path and turn from their error.”

Me: “I see your point…but we’re still talking metaphorically, right? Not in handling real traffic, right?”

God: “….”

Me: “Hello?”


End Note:

Don’t you just love when God uses those simple day experiences to teach you a life lesson? Whether driving to work, being at work or even being at home, God will meet you where you’re at. He will use those “interesting moments” to speak to your heart. Let’s just say, there are many lessons that God has been revealing to me when I drive through traffic (and I might just share a few more of the stories with you).

What and where has God been speaking to your heart recently? Please share in the comment section below.

P.S. (A nice driver let me squeeze back into the correct lane. Thank you kind sir! 😉)

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